Bitcoin: Specify settings as startup flags or configuration file in Bitcoin core?

Specifying Boot Options for Bitcoin Core

As a new Bitcoin developer, you are probably eager to get started with the decentralized cryptocurrency. However, before diving into the code, it is essential to understand how to configure Bitcoin Core according to your needs. In this article, we will explore the options available for specifying boot flags in Bitcoin Core.

Standard Configuration File (bitcoin.conf)

The default bitcoin.conf file contains various settings that can be modified using the command line or by directly editing the configuration files. However, some advanced users may find it more convenient to specify specific boot options as key-value pairs in the bitcoin.conf file. This approach allows you to tailor the configuration to your project requirements.

Node Bug Log File (BUGLOG=…)

One of the most common use cases for the node bug log is for debugging purposes. The BUGLOG=0 flag, when set in the bitcoin.conf file or as a command line option, suppresses the creation of an empty node bug log file. This feature can be very useful during development phases.

Txindex Flag (TXINDEX=…)

Bitcoin: Specify options as startup flag or conf file in bitcoin core?

The txindex flag is another crucial setting that determines whether Bitcoin Core uses transaction indexing for block verification. If set to 0, transaction indexing is disabled and nodes will always use the full-text index.

To specify all startup options like nodebuglogfile=0 and txindex=0 in bitcoin.conf file:

  • Open bitcoin.conf file directly:

bitcoin --config bitcoin.conf -buglog=0 txindex=0

You can also edit configuration files directly:

  • bitcoin.conf: Create a new file named bitcoin.conf with a blank line at the beginning and set BUGLOG=0 and TXINDEX=0.

$ nano bitcoin.conf


  • Add the desired boot options as key-value pairs using the command line:

bitcoin --config bitcoin.conf -nodebuglogfile 0 -txindex 0

Equivalent parameter without any parameters

Unfortunately, there is no easy way to set all boot options (like BUGLOG=0 and TXINDEX=0) without parameters. However, you can use the -a flag or add multiple key-value pairs using the --config option.

Here are some examples:

  • Use the --config option:

bitcoin --config bitcoin.conf -nodebuglogfile 0 --txindex 1

This sets both BUGLOG=0 and TXINDEX=1.

  • Use the -a flag for an array of options:

bitcoin --config bitcoin.conf -nodebuglogfile 0, --txindex 1

In this case, BUGLOG=0 will apply to all instances of --txindex 1, but only one instance will have a value set.


When working with Bitcoin Core, it is essential to understand the different configuration options available. In this article, we explored how to specify specific boot flags in the bitcoin.conf file and showed examples using both the standard command-line interface and directly editing configuration files. Remember that you can always use the -a option or multiple key-value pairs with the --config option to set a wide range of options.

As a new Bitcoin developer, start by exploring the official documentation and experimenting with different configurations to find the perfect balance between performance, security, and ease of use for your project. Happy coding!

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